Monday, May 5, 2014

Kayaking Mashapaug Pond, Bigelow State Park

Bigelow State Park is quite a drive for us, but not so far as to be impossible. We stowed the kayaks and headed to Union, Connecticut.

A quick Google maps search gave us directions to the park's main entrance. There is a parking fee, as this is a state park. Apparently we were early enough in the season as no one was there to take our money. Drive past the first parking lot to the rather large second lot where the boat launch is located. The lake is large and does allow access to boats large enough to be disconcerting to inexperienced kayak operators. Fortunately for us there were only a few small boats fishing along the waters edge.

Fisherman on the banks

Lisa contemplating the large lake

Once in the water, we paddled for hours. The weather threatened in the distance, but remained relatively calm. A good breeze gave the water some small waves, which we both found exciting. Surrounding the lake are many private residences, and all the islands on the lake are private. I cannot understand why no one is allowed on the islands as there are no houses on them. 

We did not see any wildlife except for a heron on the drive into the park. With very little vegetation the water is of the type so clear that it is not often seen in Connecticut. The lake is large, 18 acres according the DEEP website. It was a great experience, kayaking a lake that large. I only wish it was closer to home.

Stopping for lunch was sincerely a once in a lifetime experience. The Traveler Restaurant is definitely a unique place. Imagine, if you can, a second hand bookstore with a diner built inside of it. The food was good, and surprisingly had varied menu for a place of its size. The best part is the three free books with every meal.

Here are some links if you want a similar day:

Google maps to the park

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